123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more


Fristi@ 10:52am 05-07-2024
love your site!! im very interested by your art :0 looks very cool!! also love your art book collection page, its so impressive, kinda makes me want to make a separate art book page as well but my collection isnt so big yet ahah orz keep up the good work!
hellstarares@ 7:48pm 10-19-2023
your site is so super cool im crazy about it the layout is so pretty and creative and i LOVE the lobcorp themed journal!
Replied on: 3:52pm 10-26-2023

thank you so much!!! the journal is one of the pages im proudest about, so it makes me REALLY happy to hear that!! 😭

wet noodle@ 6:28pm 09-22-2023
I love your art and website and your wardrobe is awesome! If you're still looking for a new game, Sable is one of my favorites if you haven't tried it, also I'm adding your button on my page
Replied on: 3:52pm 09-28-2023

thank you so much!! I added you on my front page too! Sable always looked really cool and interesting, I'll be on the lookout for a sale!! I'm reallyyy in love with the art direction for it

ramses@ 9:35am 06-01-2023
Cute website! 🌸 I feel very inspired to make my own about page. Keep it up!
Replied on: 9:06am 09-06-2023

thank you so much!! hope that if you come back, I'll get to see your about page ❤

Li@ 5:47pm 05-28-2023
Heyo! Lovely lil site, love the autumn skirt and beret you have in your wardrobe. A person of sophisticated taste.
Replied on: 9:04am 09-06-2023

ahh thank you so much! the autumn skirt is actually my favourite!

Dendrobium@ 11:23am 05-24-2023
I love the idea of a virtual wardrobe (especially for lolita haha)!
Replied on: 9:55am 05-25-2023

ahh thank you!! i mostly made it for myself to keep track of stuff, but quickly realized its so much fun having a virtual wardrobe!

Goldy@ 3:25pm 05-13-2023
Looking great so far hun! Keep up the good work.
Replied on: 9:54am 05-25-2023

BABE i love you so much, thank you so much!!! <3

crow@ 4:11am 04-27-2023
looks very cute???? so funn!! cant wait to see any new updates <3333
Replied on: 9:54am 05-25-2023

ahhh thank you so much!! <333

Ash@ 12:12am 04-26-2023
This is such a fun little website! You done a great job
Replied on: 6:31pm 04-26-2023

thank youuuu so much ash !!

mint@ 4:34pm 04-16-2023
ily jay youre the best mwah <333
Replied on: 6:31pm 04-26-2023

no you!!! <333

stel@ 4:55am 04-16-2023
OOH website is looking great so far !!!!! for the updates box i usually just put any major additions/changes i make to my site [:
Replied on: 6:30pm 04-26-2023

only figured out now how to reply T_T thank you so much!!!! my website may have changed a lot since your comment, but I appreciate it just the same :')!! used your suggestion for the box too <3